

The objectives of the Professional Master's Program in Animal Production and Nutrition are:

  • to offer, mainly to professionals in the job market, techno-scientific knowledge to work in the bovine, poultry and swine areas, creating problem-solving skills and competences to strengthen the development of the sectors involved;

  • to support and prepare professionals for innovative and sustainable actions in the work environment;

  • to transfer knowledge to the local community, through alumni at work, which will contribute to regional and national development;

  • to support the development of applied research, stimulating the improvement of technical and technological solutions, extending their benefits to the local community;

  • to consolidate the Southeastern Minas Gerais Federal Institute’s Rio Pomba Campus as a point of reference in the applied Animal Production and Nutrition area;

  • to optimize the use of human resources and materials available on Southeastern Minas Gerais Federal Institute’s Rio Pomba Campus through the verticalization of teaching.