

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Southeast of Minas Gerais is a public institution that provides to the students the opportunity of a great level of education and also a great environment of studies.

Looking always for the progress, the IFSudeste/MG has developed some policies to increase the number of students, professors, staff, and the researches done by the students with the guidance of the professors. Is important to say that, nowadays, the number of IFSudeste/MG’s students abroad is growing each, at least 6 months, by the program Science Without Borders.

The IFSudeste/MG is located in 8 different cities at the Southeast of Minas Gerais state, the cities are: Juiz de Fora, Rio Pomba, Barbacena, São João Del Rei, Santos Dumont, Muriaé, Bom Sucesso e Manhuaçu. However, the main administration is located in Juiz de Fora. Besides those 8 cities, the institution has more than 27 units of away education in different cities in Minas Gerais.

The mostly managed by the Rector, which is elected each 4 years, our current Rector is Paulo Rogério Araújo Guimarães that coordinates every policy and partnerships of the IFSudeste/MG, together with the responsible sector for each subject.

The Coordinator of International Affairs is Professor, Doctor, Wagner Eduardo Rodrigues Belo, since 2011. Is the International Affairs’ Office that manages each international partnership, receive international students and also helps the IFSudeste/MG’s students to join international academic mobility programs.

The ARI (International Affairs’ Office – portuguese acronym) is the responsable about the internal academic molibity’s policy for students, staff and professors, also searches for the best conditions to receive international students and also, support the Rector of the IFSudeste/MG to join international cooperation programs.

In 2013, by the International Affairs’ Office, the IFSudesteMG has more than 70 students abroad, international students from 15 different countries developing activities in 3 campi of the IFSudeste/MG, and about 10 international partnerships with international institutions around the world. Those actions make possible the mix of the academic life and the purposes of the international cooperation’s agreement reaching the increasing of the educational capacities that joins the purposes of the IfSudeste/MG.

Our Institute in numbers:

  • Number of students: about 10.000 (ten thousand)
  • Undergraduation courses: 27
  • Technician courses: 89
  • Away education programs: 103
  • Professors: 600
  • Staff: 500